Can C++ fix its biggest problem?

C++, like all things, has numerous problems. Pointing out how Rust addresses many of them is a major topic of my blog, but some of the problems are bigger than others. The biggest, most famous, loudest problem, the problem that got the federal government’s attention and resulted in a surreal flame war between Dr. Bjarne Stroustrup and the NSA (which I also commented on/contributed to), is C++’s lack of memory safety.

Sorting Polymorphically in Many Languages

Polymorphism is a powerful programming language feature. In polymorphism, we have generic functions that don’t know exactly what type of data they will be operating on. Often, the data types won’t even all have been designed yet when the generic function is written. The generic function provides the general outline of the work, but the details of some parts of the work, some specific operations, must be tailored to the specific types being used.

Endianness, and why I don’t like htons(3) and friends

Endianness is a long-standing headache for many a computer science student, and a thorn in the side of practitioners. I have already written some about it in a different context. Today, I’d like to talk more about how to deal with endianness in programming languages and APIs, especially how to deal with it in a principled, type-safe way. Before we get to that, I want to make some preliminary clarifications about endianness, which will help inform our API design.

My Dream C++ Additions

UPDATE: I have updated this post to address C++ features that address these issues or have been purported to. I have long day-dreamed about useful improvements to C++. Some of these are inspired by Rust, but some of these are ideas I already had before I learned Rust. Each of these would make programming C++ a better experience, usually in a minor way. Explicit self reference instead of implicit this pointer UPDATE: This is coming out in C++23, and they did it right!

In Defense of ‘C/C++’

One of the minor points I discussed in my response to Dr. Bjarne Stroustrup’s memory safety comments was the controversial, apparently deeply upsetting term C/C++. It is controversial and interesting enough that I decided to say a little more about it here. A little background: Many people, especially outside the C and C++ communities (which, to be clear, don’t always like each other that much) use the term C/C++ to talk about the two programming languages together, as an informal short-hand for “C and C++” or “C or C++.

C++ Papercuts

UPDATE: Wow, this post has gotten popular! I’ve written a new post that adds new papercuts combined with concrete suggestions for how C++ could improve, if you are interested. Also, if you want to read more about C++’s deeper-than-papercut issues, I recommend specifically my post on its move semantics. Thank you for reading! My current day job is now again a C++ role. And so, I find myself again focusing in this blog post on the downsides of C++.

Rust: A New Attempt at C++’s Main Goal

I know I set the goal for myself of doing less polemics and more education, but here I return for another Rust vs C++ post. I did say I doubted I would be able to get fully away from polemics, however, and I genuinely think this post will help contextualize the general Rust vs. C++ debate and contribute to the conversation. Besides, most of the outlining and thinking for this post – which is the majority of the work of writing – was already done when I set that goal.

My Reaction to Dr. Stroustrup’s Recent Memory Safety Comments

The NSA recently published a Cybersecurity Information Sheet about the importance of memory safety, where they recommended moving from memory-unsafe programming languages (like C and C++) to memory-safe ones (like Rust). Dr. Bjarne Stroustrup, the original creator of C++, has made some waves with his response. To be honest, I was disappointed. As a current die-hard Rustacean and former die-hard C++ programmer, I have thought (and blogged) quite a bit about the topic of Rust vs C++.

RAII: Compile-Time Memory Management in C++ and Rust

I don’t want you to think of me as a hater of C++. In spite of the fact that I’ve been writing a Rust vs C++ blog series in Rust’s favor (in which this post is the latest installment), I am very aware that Rust as it exists would never have been possible without C++. Like all new technology and science, Rust stands on the shoulders of giants, and many of those giants contributed to C++.

Can you have too many programming language features?

There’s more than one way to do it. Perl motto There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it. The Zen of Python (inconsistent formatting is part of the quote) When it comes to statically-typed systems programming languages, C++ is the Perl, and Rust is the Python. In this post, the next installment of my Rust vs C++ series, I will attempt to explain why C++’s feature-set is problematic, and explain how Rust does better.

A Rust Gem: The Rust Map API

For my next entry in my series comparing Rust to C++, I will be discussing a specific data structure API: the Rust map API. Maps are often one of the more awkward parts of a collections library, and the Rust map API is top-notch, especially its entry API – I literally squealed when I first learned about entries. And as we shall discuss, this isn’t just because Rust made better choices than other standard libraries when designing the maps API.

Being Fair about Memory Safety and Performance

For this next iteration in my series comparing Rust to C++, I want to talk about something I’ve been avoiding so far: memory safety. I’ve been avoiding this topic so far because I think it is the most discussed difference between C++ and Rust, and therefore I felt I’d have relatively little to add to the conversation. I’ve also been avoiding it because I wanted to draw attention to all the other little ways in which Rust is a better-designed programming language, to say that even if you concede to the C++ people that Rust isn’t “truly memory safe” or “memory safe enough,” Rust still wins.

C++ Move Semantics Considered Harmful (Rust is better)

This post is part of my series comparing C++ to Rust, which I introduced with a discussion of C++ and Rust syntax. In this post, I discuss move semantics. This post is framed around the way moves are implemented in C++, and the fundamental problem with that implementation, With that context, I shall then explain how Rust implements the same feature. I know that move semantics in Rust are often confusing to new Rustaceans – though not as confusing as move semantics in C++ – and I think an exploration of how move semantics work in C++ can be helpful in understanding why Rust is designed the way it is, and why Rust is a better alternative to C++.

Sayonara, C++, and hello to Rust!

This past May, I started a new job working in Rust. I was somewhat skeptical of Rust for a while, but it turns out, it really is all it’s cracked up to be. As a long-time C++ programmer, and C++ instructor, I am convinced that Rust is better than C++ in all of C++’s application space, that for any new programming project where C++ would make sense as the programming language, Rust would make more sense.

Function Pointers in C and C++

Programmers of functional programming languages will often point out that, in functional programming languages, the order of the arguments is often significant, because of currying. If you have a function that takes two arguments (e.g. map which takes a function to apply and a list to apply it to) it actually takes the first argument, and returns a function that takes the second argument and returns the final result. This makes it more convenient to write a lambda where the second argument is the unknown parameter: \x -> map someFunc x can be written as map f, whereas \f -> map f someValue has no such convenient shorthand (flip map someValue is actually clunkier).