Hi, I’m Jimmy Hartzell! By profession, I am a systems programmer (with a focus in Rust). By hobby, I am a fiction writer. And by neurotype, I have ADHD (which really needs a one-word noun in favour of “person with ADHD”).

This is my personal blog! It has technical and non-technical articles!

Read more about me, or also feel free to buy me a coffee or admonish me privately with admonymous. Subscribe via newsletter or via RSS (or RSS for just technical posts). The code on this website is available under the MIT license.

I do not consent to AI “training” on this website. I believe that my consent should be legally required under a fair interpretation of existing law, and certainly under any future AI regulations.

Featured Articles, Series, and Tags#


Programming and Computers:

ADHD and organization:


Inspired by “The Garden and the Stream: A Technopastoral”, I have a few pages that are intended to grow over time, more like Wikipedia than Twitter, more like old-style webpages than a blog, more like books than newspapers or magazines, designed to be read in a slow trickle by people coming across my website, rather than booming across the Internet and then being nearly forgotten. I intend to increase how many of these I have over time.


Not programming: